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17 hard questions about Christian marriage (for my church)

Mike Winger 143,579 3 months ago
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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Intro 1. 1:27 {Leading When You Don’t Feel Worthy} How do you lead as a husband when you’ve betrayed and dishonored your wife and are not “worthy” of the respect of your wife’s submission? 2. 6:15 {Submitting to Overbearing Leadership} How does submission work with an overbearing husband? Is it ever OK to say, “You’re overstepping your role”? 3. 22:24 {Earning Your Wife’s Trust/Respect} How does a husband win his wife’s trust and respect? Are there any virtues or goals that might be helpful in earning her trust? 4. 28:03 {Spiritual Intimacy in Marriage} What does the Bible say about pursuing spiritual intimacy in a marriage, and how might a husband initiate and a wife respond to that pursuit? 5. 32:03 {Can a Wife Pursue a Career?} Is it God’s ideal design that the wife is a housewife or stay at home mom rather than having a full-time career? What if it isn’t part of God’s will for them to have children? 6. 43:32 {Wife Provides = Husband Neglects?} Does a husband submit to his wife by being a provider? Is a married couple living in sin if their roles are reversed? 7. 43:56 {Submission & Initiative in Harmony} How do submission and taking initiative fit together? 8. 47:35 {Servant Leadership in Marriage} How does servant leadership look in your marriage? And can you elaborate on “according to her gifts”? 9. 51:20 {Meaning of “Weaker Vessel”} What does “weaker vessel” mean? 10. 53:59 {Headship & The Fall} Is Adam ruling over his wife in Genesis 3: 16 a godly ruling or a domineering ruling over his wife? What does this mean for husbands and wives today? 11. 57:49 {Finding a Good Counselor} What are the necessary considerations for finding a trustworthy and appropriate marriage counselor(s)? 12. 1:00:12 {When a Wife Refuses to Submit} If a husband wants to exercise headship and his wife struggles with this, what should the husband do? 13. 1:03:31 {Marital Dynamics} We are very much best friends but how can we learn the husband/wife part? 14. 1:06:37 {Following Jesus’ Lead} How does Jesus lead the Church, and what can earthly husbands take away from His example? 15. 1:12:29 {Why the Church Struggles} Why does this topic within the American church hold such a minority position? 16. 1:16:51 {More BibleThinker Content!} Where do we find brother Winger’s talks/videos? 17. 1:17:09 {Comp. vs. Egal. Divorce Rates} Are divorce rates substantially different between Christian complementarian couples and Christian egalitarian couples? Does anyone know the research? LINKS you may want... My full, 33 hour video series on Women in Ministry (each video in this playlist has timestamps for your convenience) Three more videos related to the topic of a woman working outside the home, or a man staying at home 1. 2. 3. My FULL examination of whether male headship is a result of the fall or set up by God prior to the fall. For marriage counseling my church recommends Turning Point Counseling. How to be a husband How to be a wife Nancy Pearcey’s book, The Toxic War on Masculinity. I do recommend it. My website
