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18650 電池保護板測試(單顆、2串連、3串連、4串連保護板測試)18650 battery protection board test.

Nunu King 30,886 4 years ago
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1)僅DIY實驗用,非教學,實作請詢問專業人員,避免危險。 Only for DIY experiment, not for teaching, please ask professionals to avoid danger. 2)本影片主題:單顆18650、2串18650、3串18650、4串18650保護板測試。 防止18650電池過充、過放造成電池損壞。 The theme of this video: single 18650, 2 series 18650, 3 series 18650, 4 series 18650 protection board test. Prevent 18650 battery from overcharging and over-discharging from causing battery damage.
