1927, Blue River, Baltimore, Ostrich Walk, Louise, Sentimental Baby, Frank Trumbauer, Bix, HD 78rpm
Note: be sure to enable the “1080p HD” option for best sound and picture -- and then click the full-frame icon for full view.
"Blue River" 1927 voc: Seger Ellis
"Baltimore" 1927
"Baby, Won't You Please Come Home?" 1929 voc: Frank Trumbauer
"Ostrich Walk" 1927
"Louise" 1929 voc: Smith Ballew
"High Up on a Hill Top" 1928 voc: Charles Gaylord
"Wait Till You See Ma Cherie" 1929 voc: Smith Ballew
"Sentimental Baby" 1928 voc: Charles Gaylord
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