Текстовый рецепт тут - https://craftstore.com.ua/рецепты/колбасы/сервелат-высшего-сорта-варено-копченый-.-приготовлено-по-книге-а.конникова-колбасы-и-мясокопчености-1938-года/
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Сервелат Высшего сорта варено копченый . Приготовлено по книге А.Конникова «Колбасы и мясокопчености» 1938 года .
Говядина - 250 гр.
Свинина нежирная – 250 гр.
Свинина жирная - 500 гр.
Соль нитритная пополам с поваренной – 25 гр.
Сахар – 1 гр.
Перец белый дробленый – 1 гр.
Перец белый молотый – 0,5 гр.
Кардамон – 0,3 гр.
Servelat of the highest grade boiled smoked. Prepared according to A.Konnikov's book "Sausages and meat-smoking" 1938.
Step-by-step recipe with photo https://craftstore.com.ua/рецепты/колбасы/сервелат-высшего-сорта-варено-копченый-.-приготовлено-по-книге-а.конникова-колбасы-и-мясокопчености-1938-года/
Beef - 250 gr.
Low fat pork - 250 gr.
Pork fatty - 500 gr.
Salt nitrite in half with the cooked - 25 gr.
Sugar - 1 gr.
White pepper crushed - 1 gr.
White pepper powder - 0,5 gr.
Cardamom - 0.3 gr.
We cut all the meat into small pieces. Mix the salt, sugar, add to the chopped meat, mix well, cover with a food film and send it to the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
Then, beef, low-fat pork is chopped in a meat grinder with a grate of 4-5mm.
Fat pork is chopped in a meat grinder with a grate of 7-8 mm.
We shift all the mince into one container, add spices and mix everything well with a mixer. The mixed stuffing is covered with food film and sent to the refrigerator for 1-2 days.
The present forcemeat is transferred into a syringe for filling sausages and stuffing the shell (we use collagen 45 mm.), Compact and bind from two sides.
The resulting loaves are suspended on the sediment for 5-7 days at a temperature of 2-4 degrees.
After settling we examine the loaves, if necessary, re-bandage the sealings and proceed to heat treatment. Let's start with smoking. We hang all sausage in a smokehouse, and we smoke at a temperature of 32 degrees 12-24 hours. Then you need to boil the sausage, you can do it in the water, you can steam. We will cook with steam in the oven. To do this, we heat the oven to 80 degrees, put a baking tray with boiled water on the bottom of the oven, put all the loaves on the grate so that they do not touch each other, put a culinary probe into one of the loaves and cook until the temperature in the nut