I tried to make this little challenge and I think it was a success.
After this journaling session I put these stationery items in reachable places, places where I can see them so I know will use them more.
One more vlogmas video. I will put day 23 and 24 together. I really hope you are enjoying these little videos I'm making!
my music: https://open.spotify.com/user/yph1rltywzbkkcpsv26net8d6?si=2157017e315e4d29
my movies: https://letterboxd.com/anjimenez/
my tv shows: https://www.tvtime.com/en/user/4907246/profile
my traveler's notebook pages: https://www.instagram.com/anajimenezrk/
and now I have tik @anajimenezrk