This 1962 Zenith black and white console TV is finally finished! There was a year of tinkering as I personally learned so much about how it all works and what to do to restore the chassis to like-new working condition. There was much more to it than I thought, even restoring the cabinet and speakers to where they should be to last another 60 years.
This video is a long one, and it covers many subjects but they are all part of the restoration process. In the end, I am thrilled with the results! Despite the amount of work to get it back to this condition, I will say that these Zenith TVs were of the highest quality built and I would say with confidence that the entire group of Zenith employees built this with pride. All American made, while America was still great. I wonder if anyone at that time thought it might still be working 62 years after it was sold?
At Zenith, the quality goes in before the name goes on...!