The professor created a robot copy of the boy from the Soviet magazine - he named him Elik. And then one day Elektronik meets his double Syroezhkin...
Soviet, children's, science fiction film, comedy "The Adventures of Electronics" was filmed by director Konstantin Bromberg, based on the script by Evgeny Veltistov, at the Odesa Film Studio in 1979.
Cameramen: Konstantin Apryatin, Alexander Polynnikov.
Composer: Evgeny Krylatov.
Lyrics - Yuri Entin.
Sound engineers: Joseph Goldman, Vladimir Morozevich.
Songs performed by Elena Kamburova, E. Shuenkova.
Editing by Nadezhda Yavorskaya.
Actors: Yuri Torsuev, Vladimir Torsuev, Vasily Skromny, Oksana Alekseeva, Maxim Kalinin, Dima Maksimov, Zhenya Livshits, Lera Soluyan, Vladimir Basov, Nikolai Karachentsov, Nikolai Grinko, Elizaveta Nikishchikhina, Evgeniy Vesnik, Maya Bulgakova, Lev Perfilov, Rosa Makagonova.
The films are officially presented by the Odesa Film Studio.
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