This video is Part 30 of a multi-part restoration series of my original 1985 VW Scirocco that sat idle for 15+ years (see Part 1 - The Backstory). In this video I begin the process (Part 1 of 2) to refurbish the badly cracked dashboard.
Disclaimer: ParksandRec assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Information in this video is primarily intended as entertainment and not expert advice. Working on motor vehicles is potentially dangerous - Use this information at your own risk. ParksandRec recommends safe practices when working vehicles or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of ParksandRec, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not ParksandRec.