19th January 2025 Cardmaking and Papercraft LIVE Demonstration using Stampin' Up! craft supplies. Sharing cardmaking techniques, hints, tips and tricks on how to make handmade cards
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~ TUTORIALS: https://mitosucrafts.com/card-making-tutorials
~ GLOBAL CREATIVE PROJECT TUTORIAL BUNDLE: https://mitosucrafts.com/product-category/video-pdf-tutorial-bundles
~ CRAFTY COLLABORATIONS TUTORIAL BUNDLE: https://mitosucrafts.com/product-category/card-making-tutorials/crafty-tutorial-bundles
Thank you for watching our video
Mitosu Crafts by Barry & Jay Soriano ~ Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrators in Basingstoke, Hampshire, England
#stampinup #cardmaking #createwithmitosu
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Create with Mitosu Crafts, Cardmaking, Card Making, Papercrafts, Paper Craft, How To, Create Handmade Cards, Stampin' Up, Stampin Up, SU, Stamping, Tutorials, DIY, Card Ideas, Tips and Tricks.