Hello, this is La Sieste. Welcome (back)!
00:00 Intro
01:10 Shirt قميص
03:30 Singer مطرب
05:20 Sugar سكر
07:20 Sofa كنبة
09:22 Doctor طبيب
11:26 Egg بيض
14:10 Planet كوكب
17:08 City مدينة
19:48 Bed سرير
22:12 Password كلمة المرور
25:17 Big كبير
27:46 Writer كاتب
30:00 I love you أحبك
32:00 Math رياضيات
34:28 Man رجل
37:03 Breakfast وجبة فطور
39:22 Everyone الكل
41:43 Book كتاب
43:45 Fridge ثلاجة
46:07 Hello مرحبا
48:22 Car سيارة
50:33 Dog كلب
52:31 Fruits فواكه
54:48 Fish سمك
56:52 Fork شوكة
59:07 Outro
Listen with headphones in a calm environment for maximum tingles and relaxation!
Thank you for watching this ASMR video, I hope you enjoy it. If so, please leave a like and comment, it's free and it means a lot to me! Subscribe if you want to see the next videos :)
Good night.
INSTAGRAM 🔗 : https://www.instagram.com/lasieste.asmr/
#asmr #arabicasmr #triggerwords #whispering