It's almost July, everybody!
Started as an intern from March so already one third of my intern has past.
Yesterday, I was washing my face after my night on-call and something dropped and the basin turned pink. It was epistaxis (nose bleed).
I had to run to do an emergent ABGA, so, I just stuffed a tissue into my bloody runny nose and put on a mask. Mask saves me from looking pitty quite a lot of times.
My other intern colleagues get a PT or go to pilates while they are off. Maybe I should get one as well. I can feel my stamina running low day by day. Physical exercise might save me.
Hope everyone is doing well and having a nice time studying whatever you enjoy.
I'll keep in touch! See you again!
#studywithme, #korea, #medicalschool, #doctor, #korean, #realtime, #realsound, #outdoor, #study