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【中國旅遊】1分鐘穿梭三國,中國最窄的領土,中俄朝邊境交界藏著的沉重歷史|Three Countries at a Glance|momojoejoe

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#中國 #吉林 #延吉 #圖們 #北韓 #朝鮮 #俄羅斯 #中國自由行 #china #momojoejoe #多謝訂閱 沒有廣告,沒有業配,記得訂閱支持:D! / 在這段影片中,Momojoejoe將帶你走進琿春,這個中國最窄的領土,位於中俄朝三國交界處。🌍✨琿春不僅是中國的最東端,還擁有著悠久而沉重的歷史。這裡是中國、俄羅斯和朝鮮三國的交會點,見證了許多歷史事件與地緣政治的變遷。琿春的獨特地理位置讓它成為了重要的貿易和文化交流的橋樑。你可以在這裡感受到三國文化的交融,並探索這片土地上的歷史足跡。我們將揭開琿春的神秘面紗,帶你了解這裡的過去與現在。🕰️📚 In this video, Momoejoejoe takes you into Hunchun, the narrowest territory of China, located at the junction of China, Russia, and North Korea. 🌍✨ Hunchun is not only the easternmost point of China but also has a long and heavy history. This area serves as a meeting point for China, Russia, and North Korea, witnessing many historical events and geopolitical changes. Hunchun's unique geographic position makes it an important bridge for trade and cultural exchange. Here, you can experience the blending of three nations' cultures and explore the historical footprints of this land. We will unveil the mysteries of Hunchun and provide insight into its past and present. 🕰️📚 / ❞ 更多MomoJoeJoe 日常↷ 🐦 YouTube Channel:廢青環遊世界 📷 Instagram: @momo.joejoe/ @chels.parrot ♪ MUSIC / 喜歡我們的影片可以訂閱 ﹑讚好和留言 按個小鈴鐺就不會錯過我們最新的資訊 再次多謝收看 Thank you so much for watching this video If you like it, please subscribe, smash the like button, and leave a comment 😊 !! Have a nice day! Momojoejoe
