See English text below (under Japanese text).
00:11 安藤 宏基
03:44 節田 重節
(山と溪谷社 元取締役編集統括本部長、日本ロングトレイル協会会長、
05:16 村田 浩道
10:33 松原 尚之
16:10 セツダ・シノ
19:20 Galeo Saintz
(ガレオ・セインツ:World Trails Network Chairperson)
20:16 中村 達
05:50 みちのく潮風トレイル
07:01 ぐんま県境稜線トレイル
08:15 金沢トレイル
09:10 信越トレイル
11:00 霧ヶ峰・美ヶ原中央分水嶺トレイル
12:25 八ヶ岳山麓スーパートレイル
13:05 浅間・八ヶ岳パノラマトレイル
13:59 白山白川郷トレイル
15:04 比良比叡トレイル
17:12 ダイヤモンドトレール
18:14 広島湾岸トレイル
Members of the Japan Long Trail Association deliver messages for walking long trails in the time “after Coronavirus,” and introduce participating trails in Japan. We look forward to you visiting the trails that are introduced!
■PART II: The 8th Long Trail Symposium
■The Japan Long Trail Association
00:11 Koki Ando
President, Chief Executive Officer of NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS CO., LTD.
Chairperson of the Ando Foundation
Honorary Chairperson of the Japan Long Trail Association
03:44 Jusetsu Setsuda
President of the Japan Long Trail Association
05:16 Hiromichi Murata
Secretary-General of the Japan Long Trail Association
10:33 Masayuki Matsubara
Adviser of the Japan Long Trail Association and mountain guide
16:10 Shino Setsuda
Adviser of the Japan Long Trail Association
20:16 Toru Nakamura
Representative Director of the Japan Long Trail Association
■Introduction of Long Trails in Japan
05:50 Michinoku Coastal Trail
07:01 Gunma Ridge Trail
08:15 Kanazawa Trail
09:10 Shin-etsu Trail
11:00 Kirigamine Utsukushigahara Chuuou Bunnsuirei Trail
12:25 Yatsugatake Sanroku Super Trail
13:05 Asama-Yatsugatake Panorama Trail
13:59 Hakusan Shirakawa-go Trail
15:04 Biwako Hira Hiei Trail
17:12 Diamond Trail
18:14 Hiroshima Wangan Trail