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الحلقة ١٨ من رجال من البادية 2 الشيخ..جزاع بن نويرس بن طراد الهقيش من قبيلة بني صخر"المهوذل".

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الحلقة ١٨ من رجال من البادية 2 الشيخ..جزاع بن نويرس بن طراد الهقيش من قبيلة بني صخر"المهوذل". هذه القامة مواليد1911 وتوفي رحمه الله 2007"ام الرصاص/مادبا"...رجل من قلائل الرجال وشيخ واكثر من شيخ..نابغة وعبقري..شخصية نادرة ومميزة بين جميع قبائل البادية العربية... لعظمة والد جزاع وقدرهِ لدى الاشراف الهواشم لِما قام من اعمال بطولية ومعارك يشهد تاريخ الاردن لها...حثو والد جزاع لتدريس جزاع واتمام تعليمه..فدرس رحمه الله بعمر السبع سنوات بالكتاتيب عند الشيخ "سليم" بالقرب من المسجد الحسيني بمدينة عمان.. القرآن والقراءة والكتابة..وكان من زملاء جزاع بالكتاتيب "عاكف الفايز"..وكان مقامه عند والدة الشريف شاكر..بقصر الامير شاكر رحمهم الله اجمع.. فكان من حاضرة القصر لدماثة خُلقهِ على صغر سنه. قمة التواضع والكرم ان نشاهد رجل عظيم الشأن يقوم باكرام من ينزل بديوانه من صغير وكبير ..تغمده الله بواسع رحمته. نال مدحاً عظيم من اشهر شعراء البادية العربية.. جَمِيعُ اَلْحُقُوقِ مَحْفُوظَةً لِمُؤَسَّسَةِ أُسَيْدْ اَلْجَبُّورْ لِلْإِنْتَاجِ وَالتَّوْزِيعِ اَلْفَنِّيِّ وَلَا يَجُوزُ إِنْتَاجُهَا أَوْ نَشْرِهَا أَوْ اِسْتِخْدَامِهَا بِأَيِّ شَكْلٍ أَوْ وَسِيلَةٍ أَوْ تَصْوِيرٍ أَوْ تَسْجِيلِ أَوْ غَيْرِ ذَلِكَ دُونَ إِذْنٍ كِتَابِيٍّ مِنْ اَلشَّرِكَةِ Episode 18 of Men from the Desert 2 Sheikh.. Jaza bin Nuwayris bin Tarrad Al-Haqish from the Banu Sakhr tribe, “Al-Mahudhal”. This stature was born in 1911 and died, may God have mercy on him, in 2007, “Umm al-Rasas/Madaba”... a man of the few, a sheikh and more than one sheikh.. a genius and a genius.. a rare and distinguished personality among all the tribes of the Arab desert... Because of the greatness of Jazaa’s father and his esteem among theoficient in its recitation, and memorized a large amount of the noble Prophetic hadiths... and he did not abandon one of the obligatory prayers... and he enjoyed a strong memory until his death... so he was distinguished as “a mobile encyclopedia of the most important stories, poems, and biographies of Arab tribes and genealogies.” It is mentioned that if Jazaa heard a great poem and it gained admiration, he would memorize it in the same session, even if it exceeded a hundred verses, due to his insight and intelligence, which distinguished him. His good character, extensive experience, acumen, good understanding of things, and his genius...all of these factors made him one of the most prominent knights of Bani Sakhr at only twenty years old!! Everyone who sits with Jazza'... testifies that he is an interesting person to talk... and it is known among the senior sheikhs of Bani Sakhr... that Jazza' is an "argument in the statement." If Jazza' (Abu Munawwar) is present and speaks in the assembly... the old and the young will listen to him due to the intensity of his prestige, the greatness of his dignity, and the weight of his status in the eyes of the people. His honorable tribe...may God have mercy on him, he was a professional poet and storyteller who narrated the most prominent stories and poems of Jordanian and Arab tribesmen in general, and their incidents, such as “kunas”, incidents, and other conditions of the Bedouins. He is considered a reference for the Bani Sakhr in history and tribal justice. He has a long history in reconciling relations and serving the people of his tribe and all the Bedouin tribes inside and outside Jordan. It is worth noting that Jazzaa was loved and a valued guest when he visited the homes of the Arab clans in the state of Saudi Arabia in exceptional personality. Hardly a poet or storyteller from the Arabian Peninsula does not know who Jazzaa bin Nuwairis is, who his father is, and whose noble clan is steeped in history, the most wonderful examples of manhood, generosity, and love of the homeland. And loyalty to their kings. Simply join this channel to benefit from the benefits: All rights are reserved to the Acid Al-Jabour Foundation for Artistic Production and Distribution, and it may not be produced, published, or used in any way. In any form, means, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the company.
