節瓜3個 (小型)
3 small hairy gourds
8 to 10 Dried Scallops
3 slices of ginger
5 garlic
1 scallion (chopped into chunks)
調味料 / seasonings
Oyster sauce 2 tsp
Salt 1/4 tsp
糖1/4 茶匙
Sugar 1/4 tsp
Pepper 1/2 tsp
Water 2 tbsp
Corn starch 1 tsp
步驟 / Steps
1. 節瓜清洗,去表皮, (留青色部分)。
Rinse 3 hairy gourds. Remove the outer skin. Keep the green.
2. 節瓜依乾瑤柱高度切好 (預留0.5 cm作底部) ,挖洞。節瓜用3湯匙油,中小火煎4-5分,撈起。用剩餘油,把蒜及薑中小火炒至金黃。
Chop the hairy gourd into chunks . Make a hole for stuffing (the depht of the hole depends on the thickness of the "steamed" dried scallops). Fry the hairy gourds with 3 tbps of oil for 4 to 5 mins. Fry the garlic and ginger until golden. Take them out.
3. 乾瑤柱清洗,用室溫水浸泡( 水剛好浸過乾瑤柱表面,預留漲大空間)。 浸過夜。
Rinse the dried scallops, soak them into water, Keep in fridge overnight.
4. 取出瑤柱,連水一同蒸30至45分鐘。 保留水。
Take out the dried scallops. Steam with soaked water for 30 to 45 mins. Keep the steamed water.
5. 瑤柱釀節瓜脯中
Stuff hairy gourds with steamed dried scallops.
6. 上面灑1/8茶匙鹽,1/8茶匙糖,小許胡椒,連乾瑤柱水,已炒香蒜頭,薑及蔥段, 一同蒸15至20分鐘。
Sprinkle with 1/8 tsp of salt and sugar and a pinch of pepper, add steamed scallops juice, fried scallion, garlic, ginger .
Steam for 15 to 20 mins.
8. 排好伴菜及節瓜脯 ,蒸節瓜水放回鍋中, 煮滾(可加1/4杯水)加入調味料, 煮至理想濃度,即可。
Place broccoli at the centre. Put stuffed hairy gourds at the sides.
Pour the steamed juice into wok, (could add 1/4 cup of water) fry the juice, add the seasonings, fry until thick.
9. 汁淋於節瓜脯上。
Pour the juice over stuffed hairy gourds.
1. 節瓜切十件,挖大孔,緊緊放入金菇,裁好。
2. 隔水蒸12至15分鐘
3. 混好2湯匙蠔油, 鹽,糖 ,胡椒粉各少許,水1/3 杯。煮滾, (一茶匙粟粉加兩湯匙水 )收汁即成。