If you're on the waitlist, make sure to write a letter of continued interest! :)
How applications are sorted once submitted
Is applying for financial aid as an international student a disadvantage?
If I have dual citizenship, will I be considered an international or domestic applicant?
If I don’t have U.S. citizenship but attended high school in the U.S., will I be considered a domestic applicant?
Do applicants from similar countries compete against each other? Do international students compete only with other international students, and domestic students with domestic students?
In your previous video, you mentioned that essays are extremely important and should be written as if you're journaling from the future. As an admissions officer, if you like an essay, what part of the application do you look at next?
What are the chances of getting off the waitlist for CALS (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences)? Does the waitlist clearance rate differ by college?
What criteria do you use when selecting students from the waitlist?
Would withdrawing my financial aid application help me get off the waitlist?
Is it possible to transfer between colleges within Cornell?
Are there any colleges at Cornell that are particularly hard to get into?
If I apply to transfer to another college within Cornell, will I compete with external transfer applicants?
What are your thoughts on the future weight of the SAT in admissions?
What is the best thing a student on the waitlist can do? Would getting an additional letter of recommendation help?
How much impact do letters of recommendation from school teachers have in the regular admissions process?
In your previous video, you mentioned that it's more important to show why Cornell is a good fit for you rather than focusing on whether you're a good fit for Cornell. Could you give an example of how students can do that?
What is your definition of leadership as an admissions officer?
Lastly, any final words for parents or potential applicants?
많은 도움이 되었으면 하는 마음입니다. waitlist 걸려있다면 letter of continued interest꼭 쓰세요 :)
지원서 접수되면 분류기준
국제학생 재정보조 신청하면 불리한지
이중국적이면 국제학생 국내학생 pool중 어디로 분류되나요?
시민권 없지만 미국에서 고등학교 나오면 국내학생으로 분류되나요?
5:35 그럼 비슷한 나라인 친구들끼리 경쟁을 하나요?
국제학생은 국제학생끼리 국내 학생은 국내학생끼리 경쟁을 하나요?
6:35 저번 영상에서 에쎄이가 굉장히 중요하고 미래에서 일기쓴것처럼 쓰라고 하셨는데요 입학사정관으로써 에쎄이가 마음에 들면 바로 다음부분을 어떤 항목을 보나요?
8:55 CALS 웨이팅 풀릴확률? 단과대별로 웨이팅 풀릴 확률은 다른가요?
9:35 웨이팅에서 학생을 뽑는 기준은 무엇인가요?
12:20 재정신청 포기하면 웨이팅 푸는데 도움이 될까요?
13:40 단과대별 전과는 가능한가요?
14:40 특별히 더 들어가기 어려운 단과대가 있나요?
15:05 단과대 전과를 지원하면 다른학교 트랜스퍼 하는 지원자들과 경쟁하나요?
16:05 앞으로의 SAT 비중에 대한 전망에 대해 어떻게 생각하세요?
18:40 그러면 웨이팅 걸렸을때 학생이 할수있는 최선의 행동은 무엇인가요? 추천서 하나 더 받는게 도움이 될까요?
19:25 일반 입시할때 제출하는 학교 선생님 추천서는 영향이 많이 있나요?
20:26 저번영상에서 학생들에게 코넬에 너가 잘 어울리는지보다 코넬이 왜 너한테 잘 어울리는지에 대해서 예시를 들어주실수있나요?
22:30 코넬대학교 입학사정관이 생각하는 리더쉽은 무엇인가요?
24:30 마지막으로 학부모님들이나 지원자들에게 한마디
[세라야 vita마크 빼는거 또 까묵음 ^_^ ]
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