A long overdue update!
Unfortunately, things aren't going the direction I was hoping. But I'm the happiest I've been in my life :)
The bullet-points:
- Signatera & CEA bloodwork both jumped 10x in the past 4 mos
- Onco estimates I have 2 - 6 months left
- 3 options are: experimental trial of immunotherapy, old chemo again, or do nothing
- New spot on head of pancreas (biggest threat right now)
- Liver spot stable
- Lung spots growing a bit
- how cancer has made me happier
All my love and prayers to every one of you! I know I can't respond to everyone, but I feel your love, and I appreciate you more than you know! :)
— My GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/e077052a (Huge thanks to my wonderful friend for setting this up!!)
— The Fixable Back Course: http://www.Fixable.me This is the exact approach I use with my patients, to get them out of pain, and keep their pain from coming back. If you have low back pain and it's not going away, this approach beats the pants off everything else I've seen!
— CBD gummies for sleep! I use the brand Hometown Hero (made right here in Austin!), and take the Peak Delta-8 Gummies: https://hometownhero.sjv.io/y25vBy NOTE: These are 100 mg per gummy — I split each gummy into 4 pieces (25 mg each), and only take 25 mg about an hour before bed. For me, they make me extremely relaxed, and feel like I’ve had about 3 glasses of wine. I wouldn’t take more than 25 mg at first, for sure. But they help me fall asleep faster, and stay asleep better than anything I’ve used so far!
— My favorite hamstring stretch! If you have low back pain, start here! (And you’ll see my brother John demonstrating the stretch!): https://youtu.be/3LbXBfJuelo?si=RFcDfuLc20HxqAl0
— Self-massage for hips & glutes (also great for low back or hip pain!): https://youtu.be/yqG9nmEI7SQ?si=kj3Zm2xT4dJCjf5W