#derby #derbyvijay #hometour #home#luxury #sivasankari
2 வருசம் ஒரே வீட்டில் கோடு போட்டு வாழ்ந்தோம் | Derby Ownerன் வியக்க வைக்கும் காதல் கதை | Couple Interview
I am Vijay Kapoor, First generation entrepreneur founder and Managing Director of 'Derby Jeans Community', I Started Derby Jeans Community in 1994 at the age of 23 years with a capital of Rs2.Lakhs. I am in love with LIFE and live every moment with intensity and enthusiasm . I like traveling all around the world , trekked the Himalayas, have gone sea diving in most exotic coral reefs in the world, Spends a week in Silence & Meditation every year. I have a harmonious family and friends circle and believe - Life is beautiful in-spite of all its imperfections .
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