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찍기 좋은 곳, 양평📸
양평헬스투어센터에서 손가락 찍어 건강 측정하고
쉬자파크에서 헬스투어로 제대로 힐링한 호동😌
뚱딴지마을에서는 급기야 호미로 땅까지 찍고
직접 캔 고구마🍠로 한 끼 두둑이 챙겼동!
물 맑고 공기 좋은 양평에서
호동과 함께 이곳저곳 찍어볼까💚
[#Far and Wide With Kang Ho-dong] #Yangpyeong | Off to Snap 2 #KangHoDong | EP14 (SUB)
A great place to snap, Yangpyeong📸
Hodong measured his health with a finger at Yangyeong Health Tour Center
and then moved on to Shwija Park for a perfect health tour😌
In the Ddungddanji Village, he dug the ground with a homi
and got a huge load of sweet potatoes🍠!
Yangpyeong, a city of clean water and air!
Let's take pictures of here and there with Hodong💚
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