Buy the album "Sunsound Collisions"
Cover photo and painting by 2 Mello
Cover design by 2 Mello and Ethan Redd
Logo design by Ethan Redd
Follow 2 Mello:
01 - flower breezeway 0:00
02 - inner warfare 3:46
03 - ill falcon 7:00
04 - speak with you 10:07
05 - wanderer poem 14:03
06 - the dance from another world 15:28
07 - dum heavy 18:18
08 - vagrant melody (interlude) 21:12
09 - keep cool 22:41
10 - echoes stay hoping 25:41
11 - best summer 27:49
12 - rock on (24 til infinite) 31:01
13 - MAJESTIC 32:09
14 - surface parting 36:07
15 - sunflower samurai 37:48
16 - nightlife (drums first) 41:58
17 - move quixotic 45:13
18 - sunsound collisions 47:49
19 - ravine 51:00
20 - shoegaze era 54:05
21 - oneness tempo (interlude) 58:05
22 - act like u knew 59:45
23 - dead leaves 1:02:13
24 - the forest of last words 1:05:03
25 - golden age 1:06:49
26 - space tape 1:10:32
27 - lovesilent 1:13:36