This video shows how peat soils develop in natural circumstances and what happens to them if they are drained and used for agriculture. It then goes on to explain why soil surveys are important and how they are performed.
This video series about peatlands and peatland soils was produced as part of a collaboration between project WIKIMoooS (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and project MoorIS – A Peatland Information System for Lower Saxony (LBEG). These projects were financed by Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) and the ERDF fund of the European Union, respectively.
The series consists of two informational videos on peatlands and their soils and eight tutorials that present methods for investigating peatland soils in the field. This is the second informational video.
Projekt WIKIMooS
WIKIMooS – Wissens- & KartierungsIndikatorenset MoorSubstrate:
MoorIS – Zentrale Informationen zu den niedersächsischen Mooren: