〈원신〉 캐릭터 테마 OST 〈빛나는 뭇별2 The Stellar Moments Vol. 2〉 출시! HOYO-MiX가 〈원신〉 게임 캐릭터를 위해 제작한 오리지널 사운드트랙 21곡 수록.
#01 Path of Yaksha - 00:00
#02 Broker Betwixt Life and Death - 01:53
#03 Any Last Words? - 03:20
#04 Shadow of Nemesis - 04:53
#05 Marching of Xiezhi - 05:51
#06 The Frozen Emblem - 06:53
#07 Dance of Aphros - 08:56
#08 Iridescent Summer Day - 10:45
#09 Drifter's Destiny - 11:54
#10 Flow of Autumn Wind - 13:35
#11 Shirasagi Princess - 15:32
#12 Muji-Muji Chaos! - 17:56
#13 Eternity in a Moment - 18:57
#14 Blossoms of Summer Night - 20:06
#15 Will of Thunder - 21:46
#16 Good Hunting on a New Horizon - 22:58
#17 Tactician's Grit - 24:00
#18 A Glorious Awakening - 25:39
#19 Devotion of the Keeper - 27:24
#20 Awake From a Nightmare - 28:26
#21 Termination of Desires - 29:48
〈빛나는 뭇별2 The Stellar Moments Vol. 2〉 바로 가기
iTunes/Apple Music:
무료 다운로드: https://genshin.mihoyo.com/ko
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