Trains Passing In The Snow. Train Stops, Then Starts Up & Crosses A Bridge With Both Locomotives Running Long Hood Forward. CSX & I&O Trains Passings. Norfolk Southern & CSX Trains Passing. A Big Snow Storm & Trains Passing Each Other From 3 Different Railroad Companies.
Check Out the snow covered lane that I drove up to catch some trains! When it snows I go filming!
I had to wait a little bit but then the Live Action started. First we see an Indiana & Ohio Railway train pull up and stop right next to me. The train has two huge locomotives that are both running long hood forward. That was really cool to see! After a short time a CSX train shows up crossing over Mill Creek bridge. That was awesome seeing these trains passing. It was also really awesome when the I&O locomotives started pulling their train. They sound great pulling their train over the bridge and past the old B&O signals that are still in use.
Next we have a Norfolk Southern intermodal train pull up and stop by me. After a short wait, a CSX intermodal train comes across the bridge and passes the NS train. Twice in the same day I got 2 trains passing. That was pretty cool.
Don't forget the Live Action Pets and the slide show at the end of this video.
Filmed 2025 in 1080p/4K with 60fps. Thanks for watching!
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