2 Year Living Off the Grid - Couple Survived 30 Days On FRESH Agricultural Products After A Disaster
#survival #raindays #flooding #disasters
long rainy days 05:39
Vy grows grass and raises fish 06:50
The flood hit the farm at 11:15
Let's overcome rain and floods together 12:20
A disaster 14:27
Making food for ducks 22:41
Vy harvests cucumbers to sell 26:15
Continue overcoming rain and floods 34:00
Vy goes to the market to sell melons 45:10
customers buy melons 51:21
Harvest vegetable squash and eggs to sell 01:00:50
Vegetable gardening 01:13:21
Harvesting potatoes 01:25:50
Growing flowers 01:43:50
Harvesting peanuts 01:50:00
Vy packs delicious cakes 02:14:50
catching stream fish 02:24:50
make smoked meat 02:45:00
Building a chicken farm gate 02:55:00
Traders come to buy chickens 03:26:00
Build a beautiful farm entrance 03:36:00
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Thank you for following and supporting us, wish you luck.SANG and Vy wish everyone good health and happiness. Thanks a lot.
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