Just a heads up... I just had too much fun making this video. The sass... the tea... the lame jokes. Next level.
Today’s video are just ways to make you the most interesting person at your next dinner party. For those of you who are senior Christians, then just a heads up, this video isn’t really aimed at you, but who knows, there might be something you didn’t know! After a recent conversation with a new Christian, I realized that sometimes we forget that there are quite a few Christians that may not know these things, and we forget at one point there was a time that *we* didn't know these things either! So just consider this your fun Christian version of Snapple facts here on the Tubes of You.
*To elaborate on one fact: Stephen Langton is credited with dividing the Bible into chapters in 1227. Verses were added in 1551 and 1555 by Robert Stephanus, a Paris printer.
Video with Wesley Huff About the Council of Nicaea:
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