💭 They're harsh lessons but I really wish I knew these back in my 20s because it would have saved me so much time, headache, heartache and money.
I hope these 13 minutes will save you.
0:00 No one is coming to save you
0:58 Your health is your greatest wealth
1:53 Friendships won’t always last, and that’s okay
2:34 Being "nice" won’t get you far, but being assertive will
3:14 You will embarrass yourself a lot, just get used to it
3:55 Work will never love you back
4:26 Love is not enough for a relationship to work
4:56 The most confident people are usually faking it
5:17 Your parents are just people who are figuring life out too
5:42 You will lose people you love so cherish them now
6:05 If you don't make time for your dreams, life will fill that time for you
6:47 Perfection is just fear in disguise
7:28 No one really cares about what you're doing, so just do it
8:06 Savings matter more than a high income
8:41 Most things that feel like the end of the world aren't
9:16 Social media is not real life
9:58 It’s okay to outgrow people, places
and phases of your life
10:29 The sooner you learn to enjoy your own company, the happier you will be
11:01 Confidence comes from action, not from just thinking about it
11:33 No one has life figured out and that's okay
・☕️Buy Me a Coffee (You can support me directly here) - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/meginjapan
・📱Camera:iPhone 14 Pro
・🎙️Microphone (Rode VideoMicro):
https://amzn.to/4hLK80n (US)
https://amzn.to/3LJPCtF (Japan)
・💡Lights (NANLITE FS-60B):
https://amzn.to/4hzZbd4 (US)
https://amzn.to/3H7FTfj (Japan)
・☁️Softbox (NANLITE parabolic 60cm):
https://amzn.to/3YNF8Rk (US)
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・📱Editing software:VLLO Premium
・SAKURA JELLY MINI by nailcissist
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Hello, my name is Meg (short for "Megumi" which means "grace" in japanese.
I am a 39 year old japanese woman, battling breast cancer, not married, no children, no 9-5, living with my parents.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer on 19th October 2021.
I went through surgery to remove my left breast, 8 rounds of chemo and I am on my 10 year long hormone treatment right now.
I know I have cancer, I am reminded every single day, but I still can't accept it.
No matter how much I cry, cancer is
not going away so I decided to just survive.
If you watched this video, I hope you will check your breasts and get a mammography regularly.
Thank you for watching!!
✉️Business contact:[email protected]
📈Sub count:18