What These Iconic Scenes Look Like Without The CGI That Made Them Look So EPIC!
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Welcome back TheThings fans. Watching movies and TV shows in 2020...no one really ever stops to think how much filmmaking has improved when it comes to visual effects like CGI and VFX. And it’s because we never see how our favorite scenes look without all the editing that goes into them.
In this video we’re delving behind the scenes of movies like Avengers: Endgame, Hunger Games, and Black Panther to show you just what these movie moments would look like without all the movie magic that goes into them. We’ll also be touching on the editing that goes into shows like Game of Thrones and Grey’s Anatomy as well.
How do they make actors fly and animals come to life like in the Jungle Book? Was the Beast wearing a super realistic costume in Beauty and the Beast, or was that all editing? We’ve got all the answers to your burning questions in this video.
Make sure to tell us what your favorite behind the scenes moment was in the comment section below. Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button and give this video a thumbs up if you’re looking for some more movie magic.
Pirates of the Caribbean
Guardians of the Galaxy
Beauty and the Beast
Grey’s Anatomy
The Chronicles of Narnia
Hunger Games
Oz the Great and Powerful
Ender’s Games
Alice in Wonderland
Jurassic World
Avengers: Endgame
Black Panther
Jungle Book
Game of Thrones
The Hobbit
The Wolf of Wall Street
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Written by: Alyssa Goulart
Narrated by: Lanessa Tremblett
Edited by: Kristian B.
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