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This week Schony747 features trains from Doncasrer in The United Kingdom. Doncaster Railway Station is known for the variety and amount of trains that run through the precinct. This visit certainly didn't disappoint with a variety of Class 66 Freight Trains, LNER Azumas, LNER IC 225s and Northern Trains, Grand Central, Hull Trains and Trans Penine Express.
I specifically visited Doncaster to see the last of the Metro Camell Intercity 225 Electric Trains while the units were still in service. Most East Coast Mainline services are now run by the Hitachi Azuma EMUs. The IC225 trains that are rostered run between London and Leeds with one service to York as well.
Have a great week - Brenden S.
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Filmed 21st May 2024 Doncaster Railway Station
Filmed in 4K Canon XA60 Camcorder Hand Held
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