The video game world is currently FILLED with remakes, but there are some games that are still really deserving of one.
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0:00 Intro
0:24 The Evil Within 1
2:10 Transformers: War for Cybertron
3:50 The Simpsons: Hit and Run
6:08 Far Cry 2
8:22 Jet Set Radio Future
9:51 Alpha Protocol
11:33 Devil May Cry
13:49 Uncharted 1
15:55 Resident Evil: Code Veronica
18:01 Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2
19:31 Saints Row 2
20:51 Fallout 1/2
22:27 Infamous 1 and 2
24:13 Xenogears
26:13 Stranglehold
27:54 Megaman legends collection
29:05 Deus Ex
31:21 Vagrant Story
33:28 Bloodborne
35:22 Kid Icarus: Uprising