Hi, I'm Lauren and welcome to my channel, Whims and Honey Knits!
In this video I am sharing 20 things as a self-taught knitter that I wish I had known to help me improve earlier on in my knitting journey! I hope it helps you in your knitting journey and thank you for watching!
Leave a comment of what you found helpful or if there is something you're wanting to learn or better understand that I didn't include! I may make another video covering things I missed in this video :)
Below is a time stamp of the tips I share so you can find them as you need as well as links to patterns, yarn, knitting tools and more that I mention and recommend throughout the video!
***Clarification: in tip 3, depending on region and language there can be debate on what yarn display varieties are called — the first (cream) yarn is a “Skein” of yarn the second (yellow) yarn (more commonly in the US) is called a “Hank” of yarn and the very last (marled) yarn is a “Cake” of yarn.
Time Stamps:
Tip 1 - Learn to Read Your Knitting - 00:56
Tip 2 - Practice! Spend Time Knitting - 02:06
Tip 3 - Yarn Variations - 03:01
Tip 4 - Understanding Your Needles - 05:08
Tip 5 - Pattern Recommendations to Improve - 10:48
Tip 6 - Throw Out Perfectionism - 12:18
Tip 7 - Trust the Process - 14:08
Tip 8 - Learn Knitting Terms & Abbreviations - 15:28
Tip 9 - Start With a Baby/Child Size Garment - 17:00
Tip 10 - Knitting Styles - 18:39
Tip 11 - Understanding Stitch Patterns - 19:55
Tip 12 - Avoiding Holes in Your Knitting - 21:22
Tip 13 - Use a Crochet Hook for Dropped Stitches - 22:26
Tip 14 - Avoiding Twisted Stitches - 22:41
Tip 15 - Gauge & Why it Matters - 24:20
Tip 16 - Understanding Tension - 27:29
Tip 17 - Understanding Ease - 28:12
Tip 18 - Free Knitting Resources - 29:03
Tip 19 - Knitwear Designers & Yarn Recommendations - 31:38
Tip 20 - Know Your Knitting Skill Level to Know Hot to Improve - 34:39
Knitting Patterns:
Scarf - https://www.etsy.com/listing/885168221/chunky-scarf-knitting-pattern-for-men?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=scarf+knitting+pattern&ref=sr_gallery-1-6&sts=1&dd=1&content_source=966ba7d6adc6256cab31c2636b403985c36f4a2f%253A885168221&organic_search_click=1
Poppy Baby Pullover - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1408440973/knitting-pattern-the-poppy-baby-pullover?click_key=97b9c2c0f0de32d4b8e77ff90daf1a3a655ca5b9%3A1408440973&click_sum=95e28a92&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=seventh+edge+poppy&ref=search_grid-343034-1-2&dd=1&content_source=b8cde67110a1fa6c2a1b9ef755eabe32172f92df%253A1408440973&search_preloaded_img=1
Pines Pullover - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1739748919/knitting-pattern-pines-pullover-super?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=pines+pullover+through+the+loop&ref=sr_gallery-1-2&pro=1&dd=1&content_source=d62d5fb91821bbde5f5e99a53dcb340fc3b4cb2b%253A1739748919&organic_search_click=1
Martina Cardigan - https://weareknitters.com/products/martina-cardigan?variant=47614820647223
Knitting Tools:
Lykke Cypra Interchangable Needles - https://quinceandco.com/products/lykke-cypra-3-5-copper-interchangeable-circular-needles?pr_prod_strat=e5_desc&pr_rec_id=ca6ab58a7&pr_rec_pid=6954719543407&pr_ref_pid=6965203501167&pr_seq=uniform
Twig and Horn Needle Case - https://quinceandco.com/products/t-h-standard-canvas-interchangeable-needle-case?variant=31278608187503
Twig and Horn Gauge Measuring Tool - https://quinceandco.com/products/t-h-gauge-ruler-1?variant=31357957767279
Chiagoo Double Pointed Needles - https://www.chiaogoo.com/double-point/
Knitting for Olive @knittingforolive) - https://knittingforolive.com/
Marisol (@mirasolyarns) - https://mirasolyarn.com/
Sewrella (@sewrellayarn) - https://sewrellayarn.com/
Sandnes Garn (@sandnesgarn) - https://www.sandnes-garn.com/
Knitwear Designers Youtube or Instagram Handles:
Petite Knit - @petiteknit
Kutova Kika - @kutovakika
The Petite knitter / Saskieco - @saskico
We Are Knitters - @weareknitters
Knitting for Olive
Sandnes Garn
Tip 20: "How to assess your knitting skill level" Article by Norman from Nimble Needles: https://nimble-needles.com/tutorials/knitting-skill-levels/