I made 200 Minecraft Players simulate the Lion King on a MASSIVE CONTINENT. This is by far the most epic story and adventure I've ever seen. Don't believe me? See for your self.
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About event:
In a world in which you have no control over what animal you spawn in as: players were able to explore this massive continent inspired by The Lion King in the most epic adventure I've ever seen in Minecraft. The server was up for 6 physical days, but for 2-5 hours, allowing for multiple days to unfold in real time.
Video Structure:
0:00 - Introduction
1:00 - Day 1
7:04 - Day 2
16:53 - Day 3
21:17 - Day 4
26:45 - Day 5
31:30 - Day 6
38:05 - Day 7
46:37 - Day 8
54:18 - Day 9
1:02:52 - Day 10
1:10:48 - Day 11
1:16:30 - Epilogue
Special thanks to our media in this video: @doovid_ @CarlCrafts @DrTrog @justpeachyplays @KittrixLive @IsKevin @maddsxp
Thanks to @ish and @MagicGum for the inspiration of this video!
Huge shoutout to:
Gigorahk - Pride Rock seen in the thumbnail
Purdie - Titanic Map designer
Check out his map here: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/rms-titanic-with-interior/
AND to the Skin Creators!!
Amypines - Lioness Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/14063541/nala---the-lion-king/
Mitch - Lion King Skin: https://namemc.com/skin/9b9a689847d55f35
endermanmc - Timon & Pumba: Skin https://9minecraftskin.com/skin/5704/pumbaa-skin https://9minecraftskin.com/skin/5703/timon-skin
Player - Rafiki Skin, Simba Skin: https://minecraft.novaskin.me/skin/6150502228688896/Simba-from-the-Lion-King
wolfywhite - Future King Skin
RyanTheSONICFan - Scar Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/scar-the-lion-king/
benbenboyo - Cheetah Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/cheetah-4834715/
ZebraMaster09 - Zebra Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/14621985/zebra/
iifluffy_kawaii - Wildebeast Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/wildebeest-5279234/
Guest - Rhino Skin: https://skinsmc.org/skin/217805
Kwixol - Peacock Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/peacock/
Duncan - Monkey Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.net/monkey
soj - Hyena Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/hyena-5328442/
Burnt123 - Giraffe Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/15422320/giraffe/
ellieickle - Flamingo Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/flamingo-4404849/
Undefined user - Elephant Skin: https://namemc.com/skin/6156e1a24052d15a
Lastly, thanks to our external partners, composers, vocalists, developers, builders, and designers who we had the pleasure of working with on this project!
NOTE: Skins are non-copyrightable as per Mojang TOS. Regardless I have given credit to every skin we downloaded. The skin sources do NOT confirm the original skin artist. This only confirms the source used in this experiment (which in some cases IS the artist). For any legal inquiries reach out to us on discord or by emailing captainlightsbusiness@gmail.com or captainlights@apollomgmt.co - we will get any issues resolved promptly.
🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators
Long Cool Woman (In a Black Dress) by The Hollies, https://t.lickd.co/yqngrE5G7W6 License ID: RPaGoYvdaLV
Try Lickd FREE for 14 days for unlimited stock music and get 50% off your first mainstream track: https://app.lickd.co/r/13782132b56849bdb88ac002445d119c
200 Players Simulate the Lion King in Minecraft
MinePlanet is a new take on Minecraft simulations and experiments ran by CaptainLights
#Civilization #Minecraft #lionking #mineplanet