Thanks for watching😊
Subscribe and leave a comment that you subscribed, and I will personally reply back.😊
My new channel coin is available, if interested, e-mail me at:
[email protected]
Leave a name and address of where you would like the coin shipped to.
Channel donation is $20 for 1 coin, $35 for 2
I will reply with my PayPal information. I only have PayPal currently. I will accept checks too.
Offer is only valid for the 48 contiguous states
I will ship the coin after payment is made and give you a tracking number for Scratching Mama tag
For my coin, e-mail me at [email protected] for Chantra's coin for Scratchtastic Scratcher's coin (may be sold out, not sure if he has any left) for Eternity's coin (may be sold out, I don't know if she has any left)