My trusty 2014 Honda CB500X is LONG overdue for its 16K mile valve maintenance (currently sitting at 21500). I planned to postpone this saga a bit longer, but I was already tearing half of the bike apart to fix my broken front turn signal. So, I might as well do it now and save more headaches later. Skip around with the chapter markers below.
Products used or mentioned in this video:
Hot Cams 7.48mm valve shim kit:
TUSK tapered feeler gauge set:
Milwaukee Inkzall fine point markers:
Time indexes:
0:00 Joining the fun already in progress
3:11 Valve cover removed, checking camshaft condition
4:23 Aligning the crankshaft timing mark and verifying camshaft positions
5:27 Shop manual specs for valves, checking existing clearances
6:53 PSA: watch out for loose metal on new feeler gauges!
7:42 Exhaust valve clearances, removing the rocker shaft to replace valve shims
10:27 Removing the old shims with a magnet
11:52 Doing math to figure the new shim thickness
12:44 Placing the new shims with a cheater tool (magnetic screwdriver)
14:16 Valve cover reinstalled, this is a LONG and tedious process!
15:48 Sandwich bag trick to avoid scuffing paint
[email protected]
2014 Honda CB500X valve adjustment
Honda CB500F valve adjustment
Honda CBR500R valve adjustment
Honda valve shim replacement
motorcycle maintenance