2014 Kegg Organ - Bryn Athyn Cathedral - Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania
Brent Johnson talks with Charles Kegg of Kegg Pipe Organs Builders along with Luke Staisiunas and Dylan David Shaw about the Kegg pipe organ installed in Bryn Athyn Cathedral in 2014.
Specification of the organ: https://assets.website-files.com/60fb0ca73e7f86304c23ee44/610bfc666b2b3a5d6bf02b88_web_spec_3.pdf
Bryn Athyn Church: https://brynathynchurch.org/
Kegg Pipe Organ Builders: https://www.keggorgan.com/
Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America: http://apoba.com/
Luke Staisiunas: https://www.boardwalkorgans.org/recitals/luke-staisiunas/
Dylan David Shaw: https://www.dylandavidshaw.com/
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