* 2015년 12월 1일 경기도 의왕축제 마지막날 공연입니다. 추웠고 힘들었던 열악한 현장분위기를 생생하게 전달하기 위하여 몇몇 지나친 비속어와 지루한 상품판매장면들만 삭제한 95% 無편집입니다.
* 14번째 노래 "고로해서"가 끝나고 버드리 스스로 진짜나이 공개하였습니다.
01. 내게도 사랑이 (Love for Me Also)
02. 부초같은 인생 (Life like A Floating Weed)
03. 미운사랑 (Hateful Love)
04. 안동역에서 (At Andong Train Terminal)
05. 울어라 열풍아 (Cry, Hot Wind)
06. 오라버니 (My Love, Elder Brother)
07. 나쁜사람이야 (You Are a Bad Man)
08. 남자의 눈물 (Man's Teardrop)
09. 천년지기 (Millenary Friend)
10. 황홀한 고백 (Wonderful Confession)
11. 폼나게 살거야 (I Wanna Live Elegantly)
12. 그집앞 (In Front of That House)
13. 황진이 (Hwangjini)
14. 고로해서 (And Then)
*** 버드리 스스로 진짜나이 공개 ***
15. 천년학 (Millenary Crane)
16. 해운대 연가 (Haeundae Love Song)
17. 우연히 (Accidentally)
18. 남자 (버드리)는 말합니다 (Man Is Saying)
(Who is Gakseori?)
In Korean history, there is no official explanation about the time when Gakseori (각설이, singing beggar) performance was started.
It was learned that after Baekje Dynasty collapsed by the combined forces of China and Shilla Dynasty 1,365 years ago in AD 660, (Shilla Dynasty was located east of Baekje Dynasty on the southern Korean peninsula.), some ruling class people disguised themselves as wandering vagabonds, beggars or mentally deranged men and women.
Gakseori performance can be understood as a people's movement to recover the national soul and spirit by enlightening ordinary people with their excellent knowledge and information although they were living as the low class after the collapse of their country. Gakseori delivers various messages through Pumba (품바, song of Gakseori). Pumba expresses nihility, raillery and lament through humor and satire to represent the powerless have-not's grudge and resentment.
Gakseori performances began to spread into the people's mind through their songs by soothing these grudge and resentment. Gakseori's Pumba is not a beggar's song but a sermon in order to deliver wise men's teaching. Presently, free Gakseori shows are still performed nation wide, mostly at local market areas. Gakseori performance is the root of the Korean entertainment
community, symbolizing the true Korean Wave.