歌手で俳優の武田鉄矢さんが1月7日、代々木ゼミナール本部校(東京都渋谷区)で行われた東洋水産の受験生応援イベント「マルちゃん『がんばれ!受験生 応援会 2016』」に出席、特別授業を行った。
"Tetsuya Takeda: ""Special lesson"" for examinees! Cheer with Kanji. Maru-chan ""Good luck! Student supporters' association 2016"" 1
Singer-actor Tetsuya Takeda attended a special lesson at the event ""Maru-chan ""Good luck! Student supporters' association 2016"""" of Toyo Suisan Kaisha to cheer examinees, held at Yoyogi Seminer Main School (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo) on January 7th.
The event has been organized since 2008 to encourage examinees who prepare to enter the exam season."