FIG Official – 26th Acrobatic Gymnastics World Championships – Antwerp (BEL), April 13-15, 2018.
Marina Chernova (RUS) became the first person in the 44-year history of Acrobatic Gymnastics World Championships to win three Mixed Pair gold medals. Ultimately, it was partner Georgii Pataraia, who best put her achievements into context in Antwerp.
00:00:00 FIG Logo
00:00:06 Views of Antwerp
00:00:28 Logo Championships
Mixed Pair Final
00:00:32 Title
00:00:38 Start list
00:00:50 Netherlands - Britney BORDEWIJK, Stein BRIGGEN (28,065 pts - 5th)
00:04:37 China - Zhang JINGYI, Wu XUSHENG (27,930 pts - 6th)
00:08:26 Azerbaijan - Ruhidil GRUBANLI, Abdulla AL-MASHAYKHI (28,280 pts - 4th)
00:11:58 Russia - Marina CHERBONVA, Georgii PATARAIAa (30,640pts - 1st)
00:16:17 Belarus - Hanna KASYAN, Konstantin EVSTAFEEV (29,330 pts - 2nd)
00:20:04 Belgium - Marte SNOECK, Bram ROETTGER (29,180 pts - 3rd)
00:24:05 Final ranking
00:24:16 Podium
00:24:47 highlights
00:25:48 End
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