The combined arms demonstration simulates an air an ground attack at Nellis air force base. This demonstration featured 13 aircraft.
F-16C Viper take off 2x
F-35 Lightning II take off 2x
F-15E Strike Eagle take off 2x
F-16C Viper aggressor take off 2x
A-10C Thunderbolt II take off 2x
F-16C aggressor strafing run 2x
F-22A Raptor Scramble
F-22A vs F-16 aggressors dog fight
F-15E bomb runs
A-10C gun attack 2x
F-16C bomb runs
F-35A bomb runs
F-16C bomb run abort, F-16C aggressor and F-35A engagement.
F-15E bomb runs
A-10C gun attacks
HH-60 2x extraction with A-10C providing Close air support and F-35A and F-15E flying top cover.
F-16C aggressor recovery
Missing Man Formation with F-35A, F-15E, A-10C and F-15C and recovery
5 ship dissimilar aircraft formation, A-10C, F-15E, F-16C, F-22A, F-35A and recovery
HH-60 pass in review.