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今春も九州山地の美しい【渓流山女魚(エノハ)】に会えました | #鱒釣旅録 2022年シーズンスタート

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2022年シーズン鱒釣旅録としてのスタートは先ずは九州山地から! 新規エリア含め3度目の訪問&渓開拓。 宮崎⇄大分との移動距離は1000kmを軽く超え、土地勘や水質、地形、山岩の特徴もかなり掴めてきています。そのリサーチの中で自分自身の好みを絞り込み、九州に限らず各地区での釣り人生を組み立てる為のベース作りでもあります。 今シーズンは特に山女魚、そしてアマゴ、あくまでも山の渓相での釣果に重点を置く予定! 九州山地、少しずつですが、お気に入りエリアは固まりそうですね。後2〜3度の開拓で整いそうです。 3月初旬、地元みなかみ寒冷地では出来ない山の釣り!渓流山女魚(エノハ)との多くの出逢い、素晴らし山釣りがスタート。昨年度、台風の影響によりマップで見定めた渓にはアタックできず、、今回はその全てに入渓!魚影のクオリティーと理想の渓相!を再確認できました。 本編はそのお気に入り1つの渓の一部ですが、ご視聴の程よろしくお願いします! またハイシーズンの再訪問が楽しみですね! 2022年度!も引き続き、鱒釣旅録の応援!をどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。 angler ・Masakazu Fukuyama ▶︎チャンネル登録はこちら Good!ボタン!チャンネル登録!よろしくお願いします! We started our Masutsuri Tabiroku - Trout Fishing Travels YouTube Channel - first in the Kyushu mountains! This is the third time for us to visit and explore a new area, including a new mountain stream. The distance traveled between Miyazaki and Oita is over 1,000 km, and we have a good grasp of the land, water quality, topography, and characteristics of the mountain rocks. This research has helped me to narrow down my own preferences and build a base for my fishing life not only in Kyushu but in other areas as well. This season, I plan to focus especially on wild ladyfish, and amago, which I will catch in mountain streams! The Kyushu mountains, little by little, seem to be solidifying my favorite areas. It will be ready in a couple of more explorations. Early March, local Minakami cold-weather mountain fishing we can't do! Many encounters with mountain lionfish (enoha) in the mountain streams, and a wonderful mountain fishing started. Last year, due to the typhoon, we were not able to attack the rivers we had identified on the map, but this time, we entered all of them! The quality of the fish and the ideal mountain stream! We were able to reconfirm the This film is part of one of our favorite streams, but we hope you enjoy the show! Can't wait to revisit this again in high season! 2022! We'll continue to support the Trout Fishing Travelogue! Thank you very much for your support. angler ・Masakazu Fukuyama ▶︎ Subscribe to our channel here Good! button!please subscribe to our channel 👀! ■Big Thanks Megabass Snow Peak rootwatsocks TONEDTROUT ■Instagram ■Previous Contents 【2022年シーズン】#鱒釣旅録 スタート!! #九州 #エノハ #ヤマメ #山女魚 #Megabass​ #メガバス​ #Fishing​ #Fishing​trip #渓流ルアー #渓流 #山岳渓流 #ベイトフィネス #Humpback
