So I really wanted to break down the importance of “estate mowers”. This category is for anyone with a big yard like 1 acre plus up to 4 acres (going up to the maverick)
This is the 3100 category with a Parker hte10 and a 3200 hydro gear snuck in as a teaser.
My goal and the goal of every dealership salesman in the world should be getting you up to the nicest engine and transmission that you can afford to buy and show you how it never pays to under buy your zero turn. If everyone in the planet bought commercial grade mowers they would last lifetimes over the homeowner stuff :).
I’m gonna be honest, a lawn mower should be a bigger choice than a car or truck, any appliance, boat, even home in some cases. I see most of our customers when they buy the right mower the first time end up owning it for 15 years plus. If you under buy it’s gonna be a miserable 15 to 25 years of ownership, or thousands lost trying to trade up to a nicer one.
K and G Mowers
623 N Main
Paris, TX 75460