While my quilt along progress has slowed a bit, I have completed several projects over the last several weeks and I'll share those projects here! A king-sized "Fresh" quilt in a week, glow-in-the-dark pillowcases, a pieced backing, labels and binding, and of course, some quilt along blocks have all kept my summer filled with fun. See below for links to all the projects and quilt alongs I've been working on.
Here are links to the QALs and patterns mentioned in this video:
"Fresh" Pattern from the book, Simply Retro:
RBD Block Challenge:
My RBD Block Challenge Setting:
RBD Pieced Bird Block Pattern:
Heartfelt Charity QAL:
A Quilting Life Block of the Month:
Moda Blockheads 4:
Moda Blockheads 3:
Swoon patterns for Swoon Summer Sew Along: https://thimbleblossoms.com/collections/swoon
Glow-in-the-Dark Fabric: https://www.michaelmillerfabrics.com/shop/collections/light-up-my-world.html
Quilt Addicts Anonymous French Seam Pillowcase YouTube Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRJ7nXerlQA&t=172s
Pillowcase Free Printable Instructions: https://shop.quiltaddictsanonymous.com/product/french-seam-pillowcase-free-pdf-download/
#aquiltingtale #freequiltalongs #monthlyqalprogress #qalsgalore #frenchseampillowcase #freepillowcasepattern #glowinthedarkfabric #simplyretro #freshquiltpattern #monochromaticquilt #rbdblockchallenge2022 #heartfeltqal #blockofthemonth #modablockheads4 #summerswoonalong #swoonsummersewalong #swoonquilt #quilts #quilter #patchwork #qalprogress #birdblock
Table of Contents:
00:00 Intro
Sew & Tell
00:46 "Fresh" Quilt
02:24 French Seam Pillowcases
04:27 Finished Riley Blake Designs Block Challenge Quilt
08:55 Another Binding Project
QAL Progress
09:41 Summer Swoon Along
11:43 Moda Blockheads 4
16:14 A Quilting Life July Block
17:07 Heartfelt Charity Quilt Along
19:41 Final Thoughts
Music (from the YouTube Audio Library): "Bottle of Something" by Track Tribe