0:00 intro - 1:10 set-up/conditions - 3:00 Results lightfastness test outdoor palette - 11.15 Results test 2 extra colours + bigger at home palette - 15:25 additional actions and final thoughts.
Hi guys, here's an update on some tests I started a year ago, and I'm afraid it's not all good news lightfastness-wise. The swatches I used weren't all that perfect either, as it turned out, but there are still some definite results. I'm certainly going to have to replace some paints/colours, and all suggestions are welcome!
This is a link to the original set-up video of the smaller palette: https://youtu.be/MwSPYxh3_TQ
Overview of the colours I used in my smaller palette; These are all Rembrandt watercolours by Royal Talens, some older, some brand new:
Cadmium yellow lemon - no. 207: PY35
Indian yellow - no. 244: PY154/P048
Cadmium red - no. 305: PR108
Permanent madder lake - no. 336: PR187
Burnt sienna - no. 411: PBr7
Yellow ochre - no. 227: PY43/PY42
Sepia modern - no. 416 - Old version: PBk7/PR101?
Olive green - no. 620: PG7/PY150/PV19
Sap green - no. 623: PY150/PG7
Phthalo green - no. 675: PG7
Ultramarine deep - no. 506: PB29
Prussian blue - no. 508: PB27
Mauve - no. 532: PV19/PB15
Neutral tint - no. 715: PBk6/PV19
Chinese White - no. 108: PW4 – Not swatched
Filming was done on a Samsung Galaxy S10+
Editing was done in iMovie on an iMac
The thumbnail was made with Affinity Designer
"Almost in F" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
My personal website can be found at: https://suzand.nl