今回のオフミは久しぶりにF3C王者にHirobo Shuttleを飛ばしてもらいました。
そして後ろにはSABの世界選手権2位に輝いたURUKAY GENESISが一緒に飛び、そしてシンクロ率100%の飛びを見せたそのポテンシャルはまだまだ現役のshuttleです(汗)
Mufflerは Hiroboがマフラー工房に特注で設計させたチューンドマフラーを搭載しています。残念ならがHirobo社は実質上ヘリを辞めているのですが実に残念な事態です・・・こんなに飛ぶ名機無いですよ・・・
This time, we had the F3C champion fly the Hirobo Shuttle for the first time in a while.
URUKAY GENESIS, who won the 2nd place in the SAB World Championships, flew with us, and showed 100% synchronization rate, which means that the potential of the Shuttle is still active.
The head of this plane has been converted to FBL, but with an adapter to install an SDX head that we purchased from Yahoo!
The muffler is a tuned muffler custom designed by Hirobo's muffler studio. Unfortunately, Hirobo has practically quit the helicopter business, which is a shame....