Archived footage of Akita Kanto Festival 2023, one of the three major festivals in Tohoku
Akitabi is a channel that promotes the charms of Akita.
This is the first time in four years that the Akita Kanto Festival has been held normally without restrictions due to measures to prevent new corona infection.
We hope those who cannot attend the festival due to distance, those who used to attend the festival, and those who are interested in the Kanto Festival will enjoy the festival.
The Kanto Festival is said to have been originally held during the Horeki period as a neburi nagashi event to ward off illness and evil spirits in midsummer.
The oldest surviving reference to the festival is Tsumura Soan's travelogue "Yuki no Furu Michi (Snow Falling Road)" written in 1789, which describes the Neburi Nagashi event held on July 6 of the lunar calendar.
The original form of Kanto, a long pole held in a jumonji shape with numerous lights attached to it, was paraded through the town while beating drums and the lights were as many as two or three.
Originally, the Neburi-nagashi, which has been practiced in Akita City and surrounding areas since before the feudal era, was a festival in which people decorated bamboo branches and Gojunki trees with strips of paper with wishes written on them, paraded them through the town, and finally floated them into the river.
It is said that this event developed into a unique event with the spread of candles during the Horeki period (1600-1868) and the hanging of tall lanterns in front of the gates during the Bon festival.
00:00 入場開始
05:18 夜竿燈開始
15:05 第2部開始
22:00 ふれあい竿燈