مراجعة مسلسل arcane الموسم الثاني مناقشة تفصيلية لمسلسل Arcane season 2 كامل مترجم HD مسلسل الانميشن والفانتازيا والاكشن والدراما والاثارة من انتاج شركة riot ومن توزيع شركة netflex مناقشة act 3 من مسلسل اركين الموسم 2 اخر ثلاث حلقات اخر 3 حلقات من الموسم الثاني الحلقة السابعة والثامنة والتاسعة .. اغاني مسلسل اركين اغنية الاعلان اغاني مسلسل اركين الفرنسية
Arcane (titled onscreen as Arcane: League of Legends) is an adult animated steampunk action-adventure television series created by Christian Linke and Alex Yee. It was produced by the French animation studio Fortiche under the supervision of Riot Games, and distributed by Netflix. Set in Riot's League of Legends universe, it primarily focuses on sisters Vi and Jinx. The series was announced at the League of Legends tenth anniversary celebration in 2019, and its first season was released between November 6 and 20, 2021. A second and final season was released between November 9 and 23, 2024.
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