Experiencing things of beauty, such as art and nature, brings a sense of peace to our minds and can also serve as a source of inspiration. In recent years, the importance of creative methodologies such as art and design thinking has also garnered attention in the business world. These examples demonstrate that studying, creating, and appreciating art are meaningful for our culture, society, and well-being. In this talk, we will reexamine the significance of studying art in contemporary society through the different perspectives of artists, educators, and neuroscientists.
(In cooperation with: Institut Français de Japon)
Annaïg Chatain (Academic Director, Ecole du Louvre)
Kawamata Tadashi (Artist)
Nakano Nobuko (Neuroscientist / Doctor of Medical Science / Cognitive Scientist / Professor, Higashi Nippon International University / Affiliate Professor, Kyoto University of the Arts)