The United States Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, the Blue Angels, concluded their 2024 show season aboard Naval Air Station Pensacola, FL, for the annual Pensacola Homecoming Airshow. This show is unlike any other for the Blues, as the emotions and energy in the crowd and the team are sky high. After the jets shut down and the pilots give their last drop of salute, it signifies the end of not only an airshow season for the team, but the completion of a tour for half of the pilots and numerous support personnel. Following this flight demonstration, Boss Armatas was officially relieved as the commanding officer and flight leader of the Blue Angels on Sunday 11/3/2024, with Cdr. Adam Bryan succeeding him as the new Boss of the team. Congratulations to the 2024 Blue Angels on what was a stellar show season, and best of luck in 2025.
Homecoming this year wasn't just a finale to the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds airshow seasons, but an end to a storied career for someone who is likely the most legendary airshow announcer in U.S. history, Rob Reider. For over 40 years, Rob has been captivating and energizing crowds at airshows across the country and the world. In that time for a number of people that is likely in the millions of spectators who have been lucky enough to attend an airshow that Rob was working, his voice and the love he has for aviation was unmistakable and iconic. As both an honorary Blue Angel and Thunderbird, this year's Homecoming Airshow in Pensacola, his last airshow, could not have been more perfect featuring both of these incredible teams. Congratulations on an outstanding career Rob, and thank you for making countless memories for those of us who love aviation.
The 2024 U.S. Navy Blue Angels are...
#1, Commanding Officer/Flight Leader: Capt. Alex Armatas
#2, Right Wingman: Cdr. Jack Keilty
#3, Left Wingman: Lcdr. Wes Perkins
#4, Slot Pilot: Lcdr. Amanda Lee
#5, Lead Solo: Lcdr. Griffin Stangel
#6, Opposing Solo: Cdr. Thomas Zimmerman
#7, Narrator/VIP Pilot: Lt. Connor O'Donnell
#8, Events Coordinator: Lcdr. Brian Vaught
M1: Maj. Joshua Soltan
M2: Capt. Samuel Petko
M3: Capt. Isaac Becker
Executive Officer: Cdr. Bryce Aubuchon
Maintenance Officer: Cdr. Greg Jones
Assistant Maintenance Officer: Lcdr. Natalia Luchetti
Flight Surgeon: Lcdr. Phillipe Warren
Supply Officer: Lt. Mara Mason
Public Affairs Officer: Lt. Ben Bushong
Time Hacks:
05:10 Fat Albert Takeoff
08:00 Fat Albert Parade Pass
09:36 Fat Albert Flat Pass
11:11 Fat Albert Head On
12:55 Fat Albert Assault Landing
15:13 Water Cannon Salute for Maj. Joshua Soltan
17:15 Walkdown
23:47 Engine Start
28:25 Takeoff Checks
29:52 Taxi Out
34:00 Diamond Half Squirrel Cage
37:11 Solo Section Takeoff
38:26 Diamond 360
39:19 Opposing Knife Edge Pass
40:13 Diamond Roll
41:05 Opposing Inverted to Inverted Rolls
41:50 Diamond Aileron Roll
42:41 Fortus
43:43 Diamond Dirty Loop
45:30 Minimum Radius Turn
46:38 Double Farvel
47:41 Opposing Minimum Radius Turn
48:54 Fanbreak (Echelon Parade)
49:35 Opposing Horizontal Rolls
50:35 Change Over Roll
51:50 Sneak / Vertical Rolls
52:48 Line Abreast Loop
54:51 Opposing 4 Point
55:33 Vertical Break
56:31 Opposing Vertical Pitch
57:39 Barrel Roll Break
59:02 TOR
1:00:14 Low Break Cross
1:02:11 Section High Alpha
1:03:09 Burner 270
1:04:57 Wander
1:06:10 Delta Roll
1:07:47 Fleur Dis Les
1:11:06 Loop Break Cross
1:14:37 Delta Breakout
1:16:20 PUB / Landing
1:21:48 Farewells
1:24:00 Shutdown
1:26:22 Walkdown
1:27:59 Rob Reider's Last Call
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