2024 What I Got in My SimonSaysStamp's $150 craft box for Huntington's Disease Support HSDA
This is an unboxing of and support of SimonSaysStamp for their fundraising for Huntington's Disease Society to sponsor research for a cure by ordering a $150 craft box with over $300 worth of craft supplies from sponsors with all proceeds going to the cause! #SimonSaysStamp #HSDAFundraiser #huntingtonsdisease #fundraisingforchronicillnesses
#gemini #crafterscompanion #ginakdesigns #timholtzdistressink #sizzix #americancraftscore’dinations #averyelle #coloradocraftcompany #kitchensink #lawnfawn #thiscallsforconfetti #timholtzideology #picketfencestudio #prettypinkposh #poppystamps
Check out SImonSaysStamp's video about it on their YouTube Channel too for far more details!
Find me on IG: Angel’sCraftyOddsandEnds
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