用餐地點:台北士林萬麗酒店 士林廚房
用餐時間:02 8861 2389 ext.11611
飯店資訊:Klook 住宿 https://petragoaround.pse.is/6dlpb8
餐券 https://petragoaround.pse.is/6dlpqz
KKday 住宿 https://petragoaround.pse.is/6dlqcp
餐券 https://petraplayaround.pse.is/6dlpyu
粉專 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552070541246
新增公開性質的佩特拉去哪裡FB粉絲專頁,未來有用的資訊會放在這邊,方便網路搜尋查找🔍We've created a public fan page for PetraPlayAround, where useful information will be shared for easy online searching 🔍
社團 https://www.facebook.com/groups/petraplayaround
打屁哈拉閒嗑牙請往非公開的佩特拉去哪裡FB專屬社團,連結底加⬇️⬇️⬇️一起來LDS🤣For casual chats and banter, please join my private PetraPlayAround group. Join the link below and welcome to gossip 🤣.
專頁 https://www.instagram.com/petra.play.around
Our Instagram page is also continuously being updated! If you prefer using Instagram, follow the link below~
拍攝器材Filming Equipment:iPhone 12 Pro Max & iPhone 13
剪輯軟體Editing Software :剪映電腦版 Jianying (PC Version)
00:00 摘要
00:17 士林萬麗
01:26 生鮮餐台
09:17 熱食餐台
11:24 麵包水果
11:42 甜點飲料
13:38 10萬獎牌