新年最初の旅は前乗りして成田山で初詣!その翌日は昨年7月にリブランドオープンした【亀の井ホテル 筑波山】に宿泊してきました♪ 新年最初の日曜日ということもあり、お正月気分で常陸牛やあんこうなど旬の茨城グルメが満載のビュッフェも満喫♪ 海の幸や山の幸に恵まれた土地柄でお食事も大満足でした^o^ また昨年オープンながら温泉宿・ホテル総選挙2024 絶景部門で関東エリア第3位という景色も見どころ! お部屋や絶景テラス、屋上の展望風呂から関東平野の絶景を十分堪能しました^o^ グレージュカラーのインテリアで統一されたお部屋も居心地が良くシモンズベッドも快適♪ それでいて超破格のお値段も見逃せません^o^ ぜひこの冬、空気が澄んで夜景も素晴らしい筑波山に出かけてみませんか?
For the first trip of the new year, we went early to Naritasan to pay our respects! The next day, we stayed at Kamenoi Hotel Tsukubasan, which was rebranded and reopened in July of last year. As it was the first Sunday of the new year, we enjoyed a buffet packed with seasonal Ibaraki delicacies such as Hitachi beef and monkfish, in the New Year's mood. As the area is blessed with seafood and mountain produce, the food was also very satisfying. Also, although it opened last year, the view is a highlight, as it was ranked third in the Kanto area in the 2024 Hot Spring Inn and Hotel General Election in the Stunning Views category! We thoroughly enjoyed the spectacular view of the Kanto Plain from our room, the spectacular terrace, and the rooftop observation bath. The rooms are unified with a greige-colored interior and are comfortable, and the Simmons beds are comfortable. And don't miss the super-low price. Why not go to Tsukubasan this winter, where the air is clear and the night view is amazing?
※ 当チャンネルではアフィリエイト広告を利用しています。
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タイトル曲 : 天休ひさし「百花繚乱」
Music by
Khaim: https://www.khaimmusic.com/
YouTube オーディオライブラリー